Therefore, I've had to cut back the number of posts that I do on A Light in the Darkness. I am NOT deserting my 'post'. I'm still here when I can. I'm still as dedicated to the 'mysteries' of the world as I was before. I now have around 3 hours each and every day to contemplate and to arrange my thoughts. I am able also to connect with higher consciousness and 'communicate' .... every cloud has a silver lining they say. Those three hours of travelling may not be available to constructively add posts to A Light in the Darkness, but it is time which can be well spent analysing current affairs topics and the like.
The Daily Merlin insights and the like WILL continue ... that will not change. My 'immersion' in The Occult remains, as always, my retreat from exposure to this crazy and mad material world. Therefore, that core motivation which drove me in the first place to begin A Light in the Darkness, endures. It has gone nowhere.