Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 15 September 2007

Team McCann: the supportive PR campaign

Daily Mail Headline; says: 'A concerted fightback is being waged by supporters of Kate and Gerry McCann against the increasingly lurid allegations they face. The couple themselves are barred by Portuguese secrecy laws from speaking about the investigation into their daughter's disappearance.

But as the days go by there has been a definite shift in tactics, with a pro-active PR campaign of relatives and friends speaking on their behalf of the couple about the "craters" in the case against them.

They have engaged top criminal lawyers Kingsley Napley, who have provided the services of barrister Michael Caplan QC and Angus McBride. They are also understood to be receiving financial help from anonymous wealthy benefactors .

And "Team McCann", as the friends and relatives have become known, have been contacting red-top newspaper editors. The purpose of these private contacts is to rebut some of the more outrageous claims in the Portuguese press and put across the family's point of view.

Yesterday, for example, Gerry McCann was quoted in The Sun as having told a "friend" the accusation that his wife had given Madeleine an overdose of sleeping pills was "ludicrous. "As far as Kate and I are concerned, there is no evidence to suggest that Madeleine is dead. We are 100 per cent together on this, not one grain of suspicion about each other."