Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 7 September 2007

Update: Traces of Madeleine Found in Hire Car

Sky News Headline ''Madeleine's Blood Found In Car'; says': 'Portuguese police have suggested to Kate McCann that traces of her daughter Madeleine's "blood" were found in a hire car the family leased 25 days after the girl went missing, a family friend said. Mrs McCann fears she will be charged today over the death of her daughter, after she returned to face further questions from detectives. Madeleine's mother is back at a Portuguese police station, where she is expected to be declared a formal suspect in the disappearance of her daughter.

It is thought Mrs McCann will face questions linked to the DNA tests on samples taken from the family's holiday apartment in Praia da Luz. Sky News reporter Martin Brunt said tests have also been carried out on a car the McCanns hired five weeks after Madeleine's disappearance on May 3. He added Mrs McCann is "horrified to be under suspicion".

Remember Maddy is very much alive. Therefore use the mirror reflection to hypothesise what traces have perhaps been found in the hire car?