Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 11 October 2007

Daily Merlin: '8 of Weapons'

Daily Merlin Insight (Using Servants of the Light tarot)
Thursday 11th October 2007
10:10pm - 10:45pm

'Exploring the insights around "the locality" represented by the 8 of Weapons'

The crystal casting shows the 'big question' mark over everything which has been speculated to date. Little or no truth is actually known. Perhaps it is best for everything to be disregarded perhaps and begin with a new clean slate? The circle comes back round again. Remember at the start the request for the tourist photos back in May? Here we are again.

The Death trump reversed ... as the speculation moves away from the death theory ... away from the Kabbalah path where the fear faced is the fear of death. It is not been proven. Nor will it ... as insights still reveal a living Maddy at the locality represented by the 8 of Weapons. Even now. The circumstances of her custodianship is really not as it seems....

The Prime of Staves is from where the big question mark originated. This is the origin of the spin I sense ... here in the image is the beginnings of it all ... the mythological Unicorn and the media bees. All in the melting pot for the spin. From the base we have to the curve of the question mark ... at its peak is the Fool's Gold ... resting on the island within the image of the 8 of Weapons ... this is symbolic of the indication all these speculative storylines are decoys and smokescreens to actually hide this locality. Because without the decoys ... by now it would be so easy to deduce where Maddy is kept hidden. Apparently. So let us now try to imagine this situation without any of the cloud making machinery. Without the interference of Pinocchio or the Pied Piper ...

If there wasn't all this unusual media hype ... and coverage ... if she was sadly treated like just another missing little girl ... would we be able to deduce where she was? We would likely see the wood for the trees. Therefore someone in the media has deliberately undertaken the intention to use the tabloids to hide this locality. Why? Because it is where this someone somewhere is associated to. Where they have her hidden. Perhaps.

But then there is more than someone using the mechanism of the media to hide the locality of Maddy. There is always more than meets the eye. I gleaned that the most likely place to hide Maddy was right on the doorstep of the McCanns. Right where she would be least expected to be kept. Not literally on their doorstep ... but somewhere that the McCanns would know and would have an association with. The someone somewhere is perhaps banking on this simplicity to hide the truth? Perhaps.

With the slate wiped clean ... the speculation may well return back to where it went in the early days. The Magician represents so much effort on the part of the genuine souls to solve this case ... many work alongside the Prime of Staves without realising they are part of the corruption that hides itself behind the smokescreens. Maddy is NOT with a pedo ring ... of that I am certain. But the scent will no doubt be placed on the trail to lead the speculation towards those avenues ... BUT the corruption certainly links with those avenues and so much more ...

The reversal of the 3 of Staves indicates the need for someone somewhere to wash their dirty linen ... to clear out those shady places ... thus legislation is surely in place to do just this now that awareness has been raised on these issues. Hence the 3 of Staves being alongside the Chariot ... here is the process behind the intentions of the Charioteer ... the manipulation of Maddy being taken to raise that awareness ... but it that the reason behind her disappearance? Not initially no I feel ... the Charioteer got wind of what was afoot and hastily become involved I feel ... as the still waters ran deep. Remember also that empty vessels make most sound ... a classic statement which points the finger at who to blame ...

The 5 of Weapons and the 2 of Spheres ... represent the shifting and changing public opinion. The wavering interest. The monitoring of it all .... networks watching behind the scenes ... hidden hands are wary ... and feel threatened ... as nothing appears to have gone strictly to plan.

A clearer picture with regard to what Gerry became involved in much surface sooner or later ... because the 2 of Spheres shows that something was disrupted and changed ... new laws or new legislation as a result of his ambassador role ... perhaps it is still going through parliament ... and time was needed to ensure it could become a law ... who knows? But behind the scenes ... the opposition once represented by the 5 of Weapons has been brushed aside as a result of all the attention created by Madeleine going missing. New and more stringent laws are bound to come into force ... by way of a side issue perhaps.

Whoever took Maddy has all of this already on the drawing board. They knew who the McCanns knew it appears. They knew how to usher in a response that the McCanns who agree to ... someone knew which buttons to press and what strings to pull ... to accelerate the events and keep it all in the news by way of speculation alone ... this has been devised by clever hands ... which suggests why the taking of Maddy was a borrowing ... an abduction yes ... but a means to an end ... compromising Gerry & Kate's connections ... forcing them it seems to have to play their hand along avenues out of their control.