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Sunday 7 October 2007

The Qabbalistic Cross

The Qabbalistic Cross is a magickal exercise which uses sonic keys, together with the correct visualisations to unlock and balance the different aspects of the self.

To work the Qabbalistic Cross stand east, with your Athame in your right hand. If you do not have an Athame, use the middle and index finger of your right hand.

Touching your forehead visualise a brilliant ray descending from your higher elf, and vibrate the words ATEH

Draw your Athame or fingers down your body to your genitals, visualise the ray of brilliance descending into your body, making a bright line don the centre of your being. Resting your fingers or Athame on your genitals, become aware of your whole physical being and visualise it becoming unite with the brilliance of your higher self. Vibrate the word MALKUTH

Place your Athame on your right shoulder, while maintaining your earlier visualisation, visualise your will and energy, concentrated as a ray or orb of red energy, permeating your being. Vibrate the phrase VE-GEBURAH.

Draw your Athame across your body to your left shoulder. Visualise a path of brilliant light left in its path. At your left shoulder visualise your compassion, as a ray or orb of blue energy, permeating your being. Vibrate the phrase VE-GEDULAH.

Place your Athame at your heart centre Visualise all four aspects or yourself coming together, higher self, body, will and compassion. Feel that you are transforming your whole being, becoming your magickal self, and vibrate the phrase LE-OLAM

Pointing your Athame upright, vibrate the word AMEN and feel that the action is complete.

The words used are Hebrew and link to the Kabbalah. But there is not the slightest implication of Hebrew theology or philosophy. They mean:

ATEH ‚ Thou art
MALKUTH ‚ the Kingdom
VE-GEBURAH ‚ and the Glory
VE-GEDULAH ‚ and the Power
LE-OLAM ‚ forever

The gestures themselves are a variance of the ordinary Christian Cross, making use of the last few phrases of the Lord’s Prayer. That it is utilised in magickal work is due to the fact that it constitutes an ideal method of balancing the personality and raising the mind to the contemplation of higher things. It is used as preamble to all magickal workings.