Search A Light In The Darkness
Badger Medicine
Badger is about healing and the ability to use roots and herbs to bring about health and healing for one's self or another and yet it is also very much about learning to take responsibility for one's own life and being self-reliant. When Badger shows up it's time to get yourself grounded and prepare to keep your nose to the grindstone for a time, Badger is going to be pushing you to become very focused on what you need to do to manifest your hopes and dreams. So often it seems that people do have a tendency to sit around waiting for someone else to come along and make things happen for them.
The energy around Badger is one of simply digging in and getting down to it, being patient, persistent and aware, very focused and determined. Those who choose to work with Badger when he/she appears will find that they have less time for those things and activities that may have been nice on the scenic route yet now they find they really want to get the energy moving on goals and projects that have great long term value. Badger carries the energy of Saturn, the great taskmaster who pushes us to set goals of value and then to work like the dickens to make real! The foundation for the future is built in the present moment, through our day to day actions and activities. Both Saturn and Badger ask us what we would like to leave on planet earth once we depart from the physical realm: do we want to look back and see how we have frittered and wasted our time on sitting and waiting for something or someone to make our lives all we know they could have been or do we simply want to get on with things! Badgers are not the most sociable of creatures as anyone who has ever had cause to meet up with one in their natural habitat can attest to. They are solitary, and highly aggressive when they feel cornered or their boundaries crossed. This makes them an excellent totem for those who have trouble standing up for themselves or find others continually take advantage of them. In the Animal Wise Tarot Ted Andrews associates Badger with the four of pentacles. Because of this, in general it can indicate where we may need to become more "miserly" with our time, energy, resources. There may be special projects or long term goals that are needing to be completed right now (This certainly seems to be the case for me!) and thus one may feel the need to withdraw for a time so that the greater focus can be put on those things. Or it may express that one has become too miserly with their resources, the person may be expecting everyone else to "caretake" them while they sit and do little for themselves. It can also indicate on a deeper level that a person is not really utilizing their own talents and abilities to the fullest, that they are being too "miserly" about expressing what they know that are capable of doing.
Badger is strong earth medicine and as such things tend to manifest quickly when Badger is around if the person is putting a lot of their own energy into something. It is also very grounding energy so expect some practical insights and nudges into what you may need to do next in order to create what you are seeking in your life. Remember, while it is always important to trust that the Universe had heard our requests and is seeking to flow that energy to us, we need to do our bit to insure we are there and ready for the manifestation to happen! Those of you who own your own business or are seeking to start one, call upon Badger energy for increased business energy and flow. Be very sure though that you are willing to put in the extra hours that Badger will be asking of you! (Source: