Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 12 May 2009

"Journalistic" junk

Extract taken from "Tales From The Time Loop" by David Icke
"The media play their part to perfection in these 'problem-reaction-solution' scenarios. At ownership level, people like Conrad Black at the Hollinger Group and Rupert Murdoch of the News Corporation know what is going on. The editors they appoint might know something about it, as may certain columnists, but most of the journalists will have no idea. The editor is always there to block anything they write that is against the interests of the Illuminati - as directed by the owner-and if they insist on pursuing an unwelcome story they find themselves looking for another job. Most of the 'information' that journalists present comes from official (Illuminati) sources anyway. In the immediate aftermath of a major event such as September 11th, where are the reporters getting their information from? Official sources! Name me a single piece of relevant information broadcast by the mainstream media about what happened on 9/11, how it was done, who did it and what the retaliation should be, that did not come from official sources. Not one! We are told that White House sources say this, FBI sources say that, and OA or Pentagon sources say the other. This is how the Illuminati transmit through the media the version of events they wish the public to believe. These reports are blazed across the front pages of newspapers and the top of radio and television news bulletins throughout the world, and what they say becomes the 'norm', the official 'history'. In the weeks and months that followed, researchers who are interested in the real truth begin to dig away. Over and Over the establish and document the proof of how the official version was a lie from start to finish. But where are their reports published? In small-circulation newsletters, self-published books, on the Internet and radio stations that operate with a fraction of the money and potential audience of the Illuminati empires. Therefore, years after the official version has been demolished it still pre\'ails in the public mind. Stop anyone in London, New York, Cape Town, Sydney, anywhere, and ask them what happened on September 11th, or in Oklahoma, the Second World War or Kosovo. Almost every time they'll give you the official story because that is the only one they have heard. If they had real mainstream journalism, the problem-reaction-solution technique could not work.

The official version of events would be investigated and shown to have no foundation. This fact would be communicated to the people and the public reaction, desired by the authorities, would not be forthcoming. But instead, we have media that is little more than a public relations office for the official version of life and that makes problem-reaction-solution a breeze for the manipulators."