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Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Beyond the emotion, here are the facts: As more guns are sold, violent crime goes down
Natural News: Information is a powerful tool, which is one reason why politicians, pundits and those who own and operate the corporate media try to use it - or subdue it, depending on their agendas - to try to influence the masses. One issue in which information is serially manipulated is the issue of gun control, once again at the forefront of public policy following a series of tragic mass murders, though such instances are extremely rare. Yes, extremely rare. But if you don't want to take our word for it, that's okay. You can take the FBI's word for it. Despite all of the headlines of carnage, you might be surprised to know that, since 1992 there has been a 50-percent reduction in the violent crime and murder rate in the United States? Fifty percent - and again, those come from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, not some think tank, journalist or politician with an itinerary....read more>>>...