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Tuesday 18 December 2018

New Age Movement Ramblings & Potential Dangerous Outcomes

The concern is just how many seriously deluded people there are using the New Age Movement to peddle their personal madness; and just how gullible Joe Public is to believe that same deluded nonsense that practitioners of the New Age arts 'teach'.

It is a dangerous game. And one The Hidden Hand totally adores, as it keeps people distracted and unlikely to ever discover the truth. Just like recognised religions that do exactly the same thing.

The deluded practitioners within the New Age Movement, and the deluded followers, buy the crazy notions so readily. None of them ever question the absolute absurdity behind the crazy myths. 'Everyone has 12 main spiritual guides' is a perfect example. So every human being (7.53 billion) has 12 main guides that are with them all the time. That's 7,530,000,000 guides! Heck that's a lot of guides!!! These who preach this so readily, so parrot fashion from their teacher, who's done the same from theirs etc ... should stop and think what they are saying. Very dangerous practice at work here ... passing on these myths parrot fashion just because its expected of them to believe them.

These insane myths need to be stopped. People need to realise how crazy the whole thing is. Like those who practice the myth of  raising energy out of the crown chakra and opening the third eye ... its parrot fashion myths .... opening an such a high vibrational energy centre without the proper training; using a life force energy that can kill ... without the proper training and preparation can lead to suicide and serious mental health issues. Those who preach this dangerous garbage need to be given hefty fines to prevent others saying the same thing. Alright, we see the whole industry around The Chakras as a fanciful myth ... but we acknowledge there is a seriously powerful life force energy at work that rises up from the base of the spine into the head area. We speak about this from life experience of this thing. It is a dangerous power in the wrong hands. And those who so readily encourage inexperienced people to start working with this energy too soon ... are asking for law suits on their hands as many of those they encourage to work with this deadly force, might end up dead or mentally impaired. That is how dangerous it is! 

The New Age Movement implies it is all a big game for the brainwashed sheep to play in ... wonderful toys to have as fashion accessories ... the reality is so far away from that. Those who peddle these dangerous myths should be rounded up and given hefty fines or custodial sentences. It should all be regulated like other practitioners .... to minimise the dangers that can be created as a result of mentally unstable people grabbing the New Age Movement ramblings and using them for their own financial gain!