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Saturday 17 August 2024

Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer and other things going wrong in Britain today

 Policemen who have apparently solved all the murders, robberies and muggings in the UK appear to have been scouring the internet looking for people to arrest. 

I think I’ve probably been lied about and abused more than anyone else online but I think it’s scary when they start putting people in prison for expressing opinions – however rabid and rancid they might be. Some of the things said about me have been both rabid and rancid and (deliberately) enormously damaging. What is left of our freedoms is disappearing rapidly. My complaint is that I am banned from responding to any of the lies because the social media companies (YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) have all banned me for telling the truth. 

No one gives a damn about that – even though the world’s fact-checkers have yet to find any errors in my articles or videos. And no one cares that the social media sites run fake accounts in my name wherein people pretend to be me and make statements in my name. That, it seems, is acceptable. And did anyone else notice that a white man who posted something apparently considered illegal and inappropriate online was sent to prison for nearly two years whereas it has been reported (but surely cannot be correct) that a black man who killed a white teenager with a machete will be out of prison in months? I read that a man was reportedly sent to prison for putting false information on TikTok – which means that Britain’s prisons should prepare to find space for around 5 billion more prisoners and the BBC, the home of misinformation and disinformation, will surely be quaking in its corporate bowels. 

A good many politicians and advisors will need to be incarcerated for spreading untruths about covid, lockdowns, social distancing, masks and vaccines. Indeed, most politicians will need to be arrested and imprisoned for spreading misinformation. Maybe even Sir Keir “Free Suits” Starmer will have to go down. And, of course, the police will all have to arrest themselves for spreading misinformation during the covid fraud. Around 99% of doctors around the world will have to be arrested, charged with spreading misinformation about covid and the toxic vaccine, and locked up. 

I find it difficult to believe some of the stuff I’ve read. A young boy was arrested and taken to court for throwing “something” and then riding away on his bicycle. What did he throw? A grenade? How long before scrumping apples is a capital crime? I merely ask. A boy pleaded guilty to a charge of violent disorder and burglary and then the prosecutors changed the charge to riot. Even the judge said this opened up complications. Does the guilty charge still stand? What’s next? You get nicked for parking on a yellow line and then, after you plead guilty, they upgrade the charge to murder? 

In a mere month, England according to Starmer has become even more unbearable. Our Government (which seems keen to give World War III a kick-start) is giving billions of our money to Ukraine and is giving billions to war criminals in Israel who are murdering babies and children in the world’s most blatantly offensive slaughter which reeks of ethnic cleansing. But the cops are chasing down the inhabitants of TikTok land. Will P.C. Plod allow me to say all that? Probably not. But the lefty bastards stole my winter fuel allowance so stuff ‘em all....<<<Read More>>>...