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Friday 18 May 2007

Global Warming: Number of climate change sceptics increases

"Bummer for the United Nations, Al Gore, and Rupert Murdoch. It appears a growing list of meteorologists, climate researchers, astrophysicists, geophysicists, botanists, and other scientists are reversing course on so-called climate change. “Many former believers in catastrophic man-made global warming have recently reversed themselves and are now climate skeptics,” writes Marc Morano."

However, over at the United Nations, the growing tide of skepticism is considered little more than heresy. “A former chief of the U.N. World Health Organization who also is a former prime minister of Norway and a medical doctor has declared an end to the climate-change debate,” reports United Press International. “Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, one of U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s three new special envoys on climate change, also headed up the 1987 U.N. World Commission on Environment and Development where the concept of sustainable development was first floated.”

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