We live in a world that makes one feel powerless just by reading, seeing or hearing the news. Yet there exists a free defence that transcends government weaponry and requires only effort to use. It is that of the human mind. Contrary what many think, wealth isn't our most important issue. Freedom is of the highest importance when the entire world is at stake. When freedom is taken away, so it will be with life and the pursuit of happiness. Freedom is the essence of all that we are, and the basic source of happiness. Today, there exists a group of self-appointed world dictators that want to re-create that old style tyranny which the world last experienced in the Middle Ages, on a permanent basis for the entire planet. As many have already described it - a prison planet without bars. We don't have to accept that destiny, for the mind is a force on earth that when properly directed is greater than all the dictators combined.
What numerous experiments have proven is that we can mentally affect changes in reality at the quantum level. These changes will manifest themselves at the visible, physical level we see as reality.
Contrary to common belief, we have the freedom of choice to change our own reality. Few people will believe this and cling to the old idea that "we must accept our lot in life." Yet history is full of many people who have risen up what from what many would call "the gutter" to become leaders! How did they do this? By changing their reality by determining their goals in life. If these people did not change their reality, they would have been born, lived and died with their existence completely unknown to others except family and friends. They made the choice to change, and refused to accept their reality by creating a new one.
Today, we must use our minds to save the earth from a tyranny worse than anything we can imagine. And there is little time left.