More spin is currently coming out of the Oval House ... regarding al-Qeada & the 'old enemy' Osama Bin Laden ... this time its from Senator John McCain ... the Republican Candidate for the role of New US President .....
Another Day In The Empire, says:
"Like paranoid schizophrenic neglecting his meds, Senator John McCain tells us Osama will get us if the United States pulls out of Iraq. “In the May 15 Republican debate in South Carolina, Senator John McCain of Arizona suggested that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would ‘follow us home’ from Iraq—a comment some viewers may have taken to mean that bin Laden was in Iraq, which he is not,” reports the Boston Globe. Indeed, Osama is not in Iraq or anywhere else because he died in late December, 2001. Of course, McCain is simply pandering to the ill-informed, that is to say a large percentage of the American people, who had trouble telling the difference between Osama and Saddam. No doubt many of these folks will vote for the Manchurian Candidate from Arizona if he is selected to run for the office of Commander Guy."
Another Day In The Empire, says:
"Like paranoid schizophrenic neglecting his meds, Senator John McCain tells us Osama will get us if the United States pulls out of Iraq. “In the May 15 Republican debate in South Carolina, Senator John McCain of Arizona suggested that Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden would ‘follow us home’ from Iraq—a comment some viewers may have taken to mean that bin Laden was in Iraq, which he is not,” reports the Boston Globe. Indeed, Osama is not in Iraq or anywhere else because he died in late December, 2001. Of course, McCain is simply pandering to the ill-informed, that is to say a large percentage of the American people, who had trouble telling the difference between Osama and Saddam. No doubt many of these folks will vote for the Manchurian Candidate from Arizona if he is selected to run for the office of Commander Guy."