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Sunday 2 March 2008

Daily Merlin Quick Insight: All Is Not What It Seems ...

Daily Merlin Update
Sunday 2nd March 2008
NZ: 11:50pm - 12:10am
Using Navigators of the Mystic Sea

A quick speculative gaze at the situation, in the light of recent media coverage ...

TWO OF PENTACLES - Permutations
KING OF CUPS - Transition

'Tell a little truth with many lies' is what comes to mind with the permutations presented by the 2 of Pentacles. All is not as it seems to be with the media coverage. It's been changed; re-arranged ... dismissed and attention drawn elsewhere as other things come to the front .... the King Of Cups brings into focus all the other 'troubles' which have been around for many years but has been concealed. The King of Cups imagery shows a figure holding a large cup collecting water which has been brought to surface via several geysers seen in the background of the image. The King of Cups represents an organisation like a vessel collecting all that which is now coming to the surface which has been concealed for so long ... as a result of what attention has been brought on certain 'subjects' .... so much taking place below the surface which is seemingly not evident from the silent running presented to Joe Public.

The 8 of Pentacles ... under observation someone goes about their daily schedule seemingly unaware of being scrutinised by someone well versed in observing/watching from a distance ... some intelligence agency sits back, permitting someone to go about their business. Under surveillance or instructed to be seen to be as normal to attract to them who the intelligence agency want to capture or scrutinise? All is not what it seems here ... someone has no choice to go about their daily business under intelligence scrutiny. Under instruction under duress like it had to happen. Something was anticipated ... a set up ... the inevitable taking place ...

The Hierophant (who is The Wounded Healer) now unobserved ... linking to the 'dancing bull' but what who or what is 'the dancing bull'? But in the background there are the black and white squares of a 'temple' ... over which the bull now dances. A rider cavorts on top of the dancing bull ... the rider's foot touches the side of a mountain in the background.

The Three of Pentacles ... the foundations of something new which is now well underway ... and the Two of Cups reveals two people at the locality of a harbour which has a meandering river from the harbour to the sea. An inlet ... or a harbour located a distance from the sea. A sense that something has in truth been dismissed too readily. The media declares it is now so matter of fact that it wasn't the little girl. But instinct still insists there was more to that sighting that meets the eye .... transparent is the pathway here .... more deception and more subterfuge like all the rest ....

Significant developments outlined here. Also in the weeks that follow. Gathered information gaining momentum so most surely more splintered pieces of media coverage must follow to keep the true developments well hidden. Intelligence agencies gathering all the evidence they need using the bated someone like the sprat to catch the mackerel? Somewhere along the meandering stream is the young salmon ... who is bound to be returned