Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 22 February 2007

Do you believe in Angels?

Well, I for one never did. Until that is, in 1996. I was out with my niece in Liverpool attending a psychic venue, 2 readers were present, all we had to do was wait in the pub lounge area to wait our individual turn for a reading.

I had attended many clairvoyant venues etc over the years. My mother had this amazing gift of psychic ability/mediumship, one thing stood out as I was growing up was that whenever she predicted something, she was rarely, if ever wrong. Another thing that remained in my memory cells, was that she used to say when 'I know' something is right or about to happen, I just 'know' it will. Growing up I had similar experiences as my mum, was 'told' certain things, knew certain things, felt, touched, etc...I just sometimes 'knew' too.

At this pyschic fayre I was enjoying myself with my neice, her husband, her husbands own husband at the time was in Holland on business. I was deep in conversation with my niece Julie, when a woman walked in the pub, nothing unusual about that, the pub was full of women (and some men) all waiting for a reading. But this woman was 'different'. I looked up at her, blonde, in her late 50's, and some voice in my head said "I want to talk to that woman"...she walked straight over to me, looked at me, almost glared really, and asked if she could sit with us as she was on her own. I almost threw her into the chair as I just 'knew' I HAD to speak to this woman.

Of course after we introduced ourselves, we started to talk about clairvoyants/mediums etc. I told her about my mum and that I had been to many, many clairvoyants over the years.
She suddenly asked me if I knew Andrew. Thinking she meant a clairvoyant, I replied I had never visited anyone called Andrew. Then she explained she 'got' things for people as she talked to them and then asked me who was from Rochdale! Well, at the time, we sponsored a race driver called...Andrew, from...Rochdale!!! That was me hooked. I asked her to tell me more. She asked for my diamond ting to hold as she does what was called psychometry. So, I nervously gave her my diamond ring. I mean, here I was in the middle of Liverpool giving a complete stranger my expensive diamond ring!!

But, she started to tell me lots of things, past things, present things which to be honest were 99% accurate!! I was stunned. She also told me I should be doing this too! Ok, I knew I had the ability, but not the confidence. Anyway, at the very end of my session with her, she told me that although I was married, I would meet a younger man, fair haired, fair skinned, and was my soul mate so I would know who he was when I met him. She said we would marry, then emigrate and that we had agreed in one of our last lives to meet up again in this, as there were things we could do together but neither of us could do alone. She said we had been in 7 or 8 incarnations together! Mmmmm Interesting, seeing as I was already married, ok not happily married, but married all the same. I wasn't looking for anyone else, but fate had other plans.

The next day, I rang my niece and asked her a ridiculous question.."Was that lady from last night real?"...My niece asked how many bacardi's I had the night before! Not one for beating about the bush, my niece replied "Of course she was f***%%$$$g real"....So I replied back "mmm maybe she was, but I think she was an angel, I know I will NEVER see her again, and I know she has come to the pub to change my course in life"....My niece thought I had finally lost the plot, but I didn't care, I 'knew' differently.

15 months later, after a fall out with my (now ex) husband I dragged my friend Pauline along to a psychic fayre. She was a non believer wanting to believe, a prove it to me kind of person. Anyway, she came along for the ride. As we walked into the pub venue, a lady turned round and glared at me with 'knowing' eyes. I just felt that I had to have a reading with her. As I sat down, her first words were "Are you involved with a younger man"...hell no! I told her I wasn't, my husband was younger than me, did she mean him? "No", she said "not your husband, but you WILL be involved with this man within THREE weeks"....Yeh right! I hardly ever went out apart from clairvoyant evenings and stock cars, so what chance did I have of meeting any man, when I wasn't even looking anyway!!

Same night, I took another friend Pam, back to the venue, as we walked into the same room there was a young man just walking across the room, my eyes went straight to him, my first thoughts were "Oh he is young to be a medium"...I didn't really know he WAS a medium at that point, he could have been the glass collector for all I knew, but again, I 'knew' he was a reader.

My friend Pam sat down with Pat the woman who had read me that very morning. The young man kept staring at me like I had 2 heads. He then sat down at his table, he was a reader after all. Although I knew that. My mum had sarcastically commented as I thought about his age, "And just how old do you have to be to be a medium?"..Ok Mum, point taken.

Throughout the night, this man tried to get me to have a reading with him. I told him I had one that morning and didn't need another, thanks. But he then mentioned a 'free reading'..ha..I was at his chair before he could blink. We got chatting, he asked my DOB, I told him 11/10...his? 10/11! Weird eh?

Within minutes my mum appeared at my right hand side, I could 'sense' her rather than see and I could also sense she was huffing and puffing and tapping her arms, impatiently.

In the end (after about 10 minutes) she said to me loud and clear in my ear "Oh for God's sake, stop dilly dallying around and get on with it, you know you are going to end up in bed with him, just get on with it!!"....I was shocked. this young man, looked at me like I had seen a ghost. My reaction was "Hell, I hope he didn't hear that"...

Then he mentioned mother...then Stanley, my recently departed father, then Mark, my no1 son....I knew what was coming next! Yes my mother didn't disappoint. She continued to tell this young man all about my son Mark! I was red as a beetroot, I was livid with mum, but in a nice kind of way, I mean how can you be livid with someone who had a wicked sense of humour on the earth plane and dying wasn't going to stop her having it in the spirit world either..oh no!

The young man, took my mobile number, mentioned doing development classes.
Three weeks later he rang as I knew he would. We got together, it had to happen, neither of us could stop it.

We have been together ever since, Matt & I, and yes he is my soulmate, I know him so well, even from the past lives we shared. Now all we have to do is continue where we left off last life.
That woman in Liverpool, I never saw again, never heard from her again, but know she walks the earth plane looking to reunite lost souls.

And yes, I do an awful lot of psychometry now, getting direct communication from loved ones in spirit to the family left behind.

Yes, I firmly believe in Angels now.