Search A Light In The Darkness

Tuesday 20 February 2007

Free Of Their Control

Sensation junkies lurked in the gloom
In the shadow of the forbidden mountain,
In the corner of the room
Fearless eyes watched their intrusion
Laser beams of blue haunted the material world
Unperturbed, eyes lost interest
Seeking the higher presence … and the intruders were gone

No fear given on which to feed
No trauma based telepathic instructions were released
No effect on the mortal psyche
The negative lurkers faded from that reality
Most certainly projections of thought …

Inhabitants from the nearby mountain
Which has provoked fear in this land
In the corridor of UFO activity it does stand
Their residence below ground
A typical abode like so many across this globe

Harbingers of trauma based terror
Manipulators of the human psyche
Explorers of mortal reactions
Stealers of free will
Addicts to sensations emanating from human kind

Ghouls know I am aware of you
Know I am not in fear of you
I seek the higher player
That which sent me here

It’s letters of fire seemingly now active in me
My genetics awakened
Now I’ve overcome the fear
And see the game in which you steer

I shall be your plaything no longer
I refuse to walk the corridors of the maze you push me along
Your control on my emotions is broken
Your fixation on anger, and regret, and shame no longer touch me
I am free of your malice …

free of your control ….

Fear is the twine you hold us by
Its rapture the addiction you cast like a haze
Wrapped in its sickly twine
You negative creatures study us
And control us

Fear is the food that you desire
The reason for existence to which you aspire
Raiders of this dimension
Seekers of learning
You choose to hijack us humans
An evolving race ...

You think of me as your experiment
For years it has been so
Covert hijack of my psyche
I have been unaware

Barriers of amnesia
Triggers words
Injections of anger
Fits of rage
Your means of control
Until now ...

I have been made aware
Given the keys
Able to set myself free
Aware of you
Through me now
Other who suffer your hijacking
Will be made aware too ....