Search A Light In The Darkness

Wednesday 21 February 2007


And seemingly The Golden Age of magic was lost
The Entity protecting itself, brainwashing its minions, exerting mind control
Harnessing the thought power of that realm to its exclusive will
All outside forces deflected, their communion seemingly lost
Or so it seemed for countless eons...

Its power slakeless, its will invincible

No other force could touch it, or bend its mind
It was the creator god was the face behind religion
It had mankind as its slaves, its servant, its toys
The rest of creation ceased to exist.

And so it would remain for the rest of eternity
It demanded, it controlled
All other life forms were powerless to refuse
The contacts with the outside universe were defered
It was the creator after all.

And so The Golden Age was lost, overlooked, forgotten
Its energy latent, deliberately so
The Entity fearful of the truth
Warning its minions of the dangers of that toy
But truth can ne'er be destroyed, only hidden away

Know that magic is bound to return
The outside universe demanding the change
The Entity unlawful in its actions, its tyranny must be ended
The Golden Age will return, heaven will flourish again on earth
Mankind once more free to express its individuality

IT HAS TO BE SO.....................