Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 18 February 2007

The New Age Scripts

An Extract Taken From "The Scripts Of The Lonely Prophet"

...And new lands will replace the old
Waters of the earth cleansing the evil of the old lands
And relics of lost ancient civilisations will appear
In stark defiance to the lies spoken by the frightened men
Those of mankind who cruelly ruled the majority

Know their cities of evil will drown
as will their churches of darkness
Gone to the wind
Lost to the sea
Swallowed by the gaping jaws of the fire lions
For the time is at hand

Mankind, your society breaks down
It is a terminal case
It departs to make way for the new society
And Mr. Money man you won’t be there
For you are a cause of the evil
As is you Mr. Politician
for you fed your lies to the crowds for self gain
And Mr Clergyman, you are a servant of the chaos lords
Your lies down through the ages of man have drawn demons to you

Repent oh! Misguided fools
Your crime, the ultimate crime
Your rantings and rulings have pushed mankind away from its unity as one

And for you it is now too late
The earthly vibration lifts high into realms of unconditional truth
Vibrations you cannot bear to live with
For thye demand you be absolute in unconditional loving of all of man
For in the beginning we were ALL god, ONE ENTITY
before we descended to the earth plane and tasted its fruits through curiosity
But now since we have separated and kept separating
Blindly mislead by a demon kind, convincing us separation was our way

I give to you the new age
as the light of the Pleiades fast approaches
A chance to redeem yourselves
Foolish man and rich man, are you a brave man after all?
Will you admit to weakness?

For it was not your fault after all
You knew no different, it was in your programming
of which you were unaware of its existence
Forgive yourself now and change your thoughts
Join the free thinking band that walks the earth in readiness
Discover as they the truth ...

For soon comes a oneness to us all
but not before a gigantean loss of human life ...
First must come the rising seas
The drowning of the many tens of thousands
The leaking dam walls
and the flooding of thousands of miles of industrial lands
The earth quakes in the places of evil; blackest evil

Thus mankind has to be culled
and those of the disharmony unmade
For they are deemed to have lost the love of creation
and are seen to live without soul or consciousness
They must thus learn to acquire that energy again]
It is they who must begin again; as the tiny amoeba in the sea ....