Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 12 February 2007

'Six Finger' Hand Print

More 'extra terrestrial' or 'supernatural' evidence appeared in the house this very morning. There has been so much; still is so much - constant phenomenon and visitations. But this is on the lines of the more solid once more. A repeating theme, bearing in mind the hand print which appeared on the glass table in our lounge when only me and Christine were in the house. That time it was photographed. The hand print not matching either of our own.

This time ....

I drew back the curtains of our bedroom which is located at the front of the house, over looking Pirongia Mountain. The view, as always was phenomenal. First light filtered through into the bedroom, a clear blue sky met my eyes. But what was that on the window?

I looked closely and noticed the handprint which had 'just' been made on the window in the condensation which had collected on the right hand side.

At first it didn't register. Then I counted the digits ... a thumb , one paw like finger, two, three, four, five. That meant the 'hand print' had six clear fingers. it looked human but very different to 'the usual'.

I wondered then if it was Chris who'd made the print ... nope ... she hadn't. I called her to view the 'evidence' and nope .. it wasn't her. She agreed there were six fingers.

However, it did not really look 'human'. The fingers were quite definitetly pawlike ... similar to the impressions of a cat or a dog ... yet there was no way our cat could have made this print ... firstly the print was too BIG for a domestic cat. Secondly she was outside ... and had not been in our bedroom.


One conclusion can only be reached since all logical explanations have been disproven. Neither myself or the wife have six fingers! Neither do the kids (all three were fast asleep at the time). It can only be a 'visitor'. I can only assume it is a material being and not transcendental.

Therefore ... what is it? What is the visitor ... alien?