Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 17 February 2007

Waiting For The Clouds To Lift

The Prophecy Of 911 Twin Towers And Beyond ....
Received by Matthew James at 11.53 p.m on 10th September 2001

The summit has gone out of view, hidden by thick black clouds
A storm is brewing; I hear the distant thunder
I shiver; the air has grown cold; I sense the hold of winter
There is no new life in this cycle, only destruction
It’s gone too far and a long time to wait for the new era

I can still recall the time I saw the mountain top when there was no cloud
I was the innocent child then; nothing was impossible
I climbed that peak with no effort or fear
But now I have lost the path; its hidden by grasses overgrown
I know where it lies but never had the urge to climb again until now

Back then I could so easily have been the necromancer
My mind was free from the programming which blocks my thoughts now
The light signals were strong then and I never questioned anything
But since then I have had it all explained to me
which has taken the magic away; made it something untouchable

A lightning flash and I see the impenetrable rock walls and the vertical screes momentarily
I wonder how I scaled that tower so easily as a child
Maybe I had wings and I could fly; it appears to be the only way
But how do I adopt that imagination again now I am a man
All that ability seems now so lost to me
I find it so hard to connect surrounded by the distortions of the storm
Somehow I manage but I wish the storm would pass
It would be so much easier then; I would see the mirror and find the missing piece
I would control my electricity and master the blue fire
I could as a child; maybe someday I shall be that child again

But as the child I would have to face the clandestine attacks again
The dark presences which came and disturbed my sleep
Which gave me nightmares and thoughts nobody could understand
I remember the nights I lay awake too scared to sleep
Nights when I know now the darkness came to possess me

That was when the storm started and I lost sight of the summit rocks
When my innocence was lost and I grew the spiritual maturity beyond my years
A power which would lie dormant for many years until it was woken by the darkness once more
A clever ploy to have an innocent programmed to serve the darkness
But I never was because I realised what was going on and escaped the clutches
That was the time I wandered the wilderness beyond the mountains in a wild state
I was a power uncontrollable; a danger to all; certainly no light shone then
My energy must have appeared as grey, blended in with the storm clouds
I was a danger but mostly to myself for I was under constant attack
The darkness imploring me to destroy myself; to end the threat to its existence

Then I was in the clear and my light shone in the darkness
But it still wasn’t the same as the child’s
My view of the mountain was obscured by thick black clouds
A distraction that still won’t go away
An annoyance I wish I had the power to remove

Now all I feel is doom; I feel danger; I feel threatened
I know I am not alone; I am connected to others just like me
They are at risk as the darkness hunts them down one by one
Our numbers grow less and the feeling of danger gets stronger
I sense it may well be soon my turn though I have survived many many attacks

In the sky I perceive an awesome light and I know it is descending
I know safety is so close; I know my true awakening will be soon
For I know of my heritage but I try not to think of it to keep the darkness at bay
I know to be what I truly am as the child I would not survive in current climes
I know when the clouds lift it will be my sign to be the child again

Mostly until then I sit on the flood plain doing my best to survive
I spend time in contemplation beside the embers of my fire
A flame I keep burning so others of me can see and join with me
I keep the universal channels clear and relate what I hear from time to time
Refining what I have for when the real need arrives and I have to speak

10 September 2001
Verses 1 to 4 foretells the destruction of The Twin Towers by unknown forces.
This is a portend which was only realised AFTER the event.
The remainder of the portend refers to other atrocities and movements but what?
The imminent attack on Iraq .... is this in here??? (Matt Wednesday, 12 March 2003)
It appears that the safety which is close may well be someone’s death??