The earth is a giant magnet with different levels rotating to create

According to the Mayans, in the transformative year of 2012, the Base Resonant Frequency could be as high as 13.0Hz while the Earth's magnetic field could be near zero. This has been called the Zero Point when the Earth's magnetic field will all but disappear because the Earth's rotation will have stopped. This does not mean there wil be no gravity, as gravity is created by phenomena other than the spin of the planet. Something like this has occurred about 14 times in the last 4.5 million years. The last time was estimated to be around 11,000 - 13,000 years ago; a window of time which corresponds with the fall of Atlantis and the beginning of the recovery from the great cataclysm about 10,500BC. 13,000 years ago would have been at the halfway point through the Great Cycle of 26,000 years which is reaching its conclusion now; another time of great change.
Every time the Earth has experienced the rapid fall in its magnetic field, which is taking place at this current time, it has led to a pole shift when magnetic north and south change places. It is reckoned the Earth will stop rotating for some days before it begins to spin in the opposite direction; and as the planet spins in the other direction, the flow of electricity will reverse and so therefore must the poles. If the planet was to cease rotating then one side of the earth will be in constant sunshine and the other in constant darkness during this period of non-rotation. This is what the Ancients have reported as occurring in past times; the Peruvians talked about the 'long night' of three days. The Hopi Tribe reported how the Sun rose twice in one day: first it rose in the west and set in the east, and then later it rose in the east and set in the west - which has been the cycle ever since. Other ancient accounts report that the Sun used to rise in the west and set in the east. An indication the Earth once used to spin the other way.
Taken from "The Biggest Secret" By David Icke