Today's atmosphere is of trepidation and expectancy. Waiting with bated breath, it appears difficult to be motivated. After all the weeks of supposition, assumptions and false trails; those who were in on it at the very start suddenly reappear. 'The mouth on the fence' is seemingly have another cup of tea in a police interview in the very near future. But why? It is clear he doesn't have the connection they are seeking. It is all part of some pattern clearly being formed on the ground beneath the soaring Unicorn. It's best not to hold your breath; perhaps its another puff of smoke from the cloud making machine. The pied piper is still in town ... and ratings could soar to an all time high for some new faces, should the anticipated finale come as a result of their notable contributions.
So skilfully all involvements and incidentals pointed outside of Portugal have been discredited by an agency as trustworthy as the wolf in the mutton birthday suit. It is deception; it is too watertight for the shining star to have not been moved at all. It is convenience to hide those in the upper tiers of the pyramid and their involvements. Early insights were explicit with their mention of a large luxury cruise ship; linked to powerful places. A home from home which rides the seven seas. A vessel which could travel from one private beach moorings to another private beach with moorings without its movements being questioned. The vessel could nestle in ancient citadels almost invisible because it would always be there ... locals accustomed to this luxury ship travelling around the Med. Someone powerful with extensive influence is linked to that luxury vessel. But the media blackout hides that fact. Because whoever owns the vessel, the lands, the illegal trade also owns the network connections. They also write the rules ... and see their station as that above the common people water line. These links care not about conspiracy or suspicion because nobody can touch such powerful faces. Faces which hide in safety of hidden obscurity. Veils which are never crossed in the lives of the common minded. Because they've never heard of these people or their organisations ... they cannot exist.
Enough now of what was. We are never likely to know of where, what and truly why. There will be a concocted tail demanded to be written by those ancient lines of primeval seedings.
So what then of the resonances which currently echo in the aether? What of the reflections seen on the astral plane? What insights can be assumed by that shady signature ...
The Fool appears to impress on us the blind leap of faith ... to believe these new developments. Our media friends are to be trusted this impression says ... after all they report the whole truth and nothing but the truth? They have been uncannily silent during this case ... they have been like puppets on strings. Now out of the media blackout wanders the fool ... bearing a traveller's staff bearing a pouch showing the insignia of the one open eye. That which stands atop of the deceiver's pyramid. We cannot trust what we see before us, behind it is the usual pushing hand of deceit.
Again, the praying figure of the nine of weapons. Eight swords hang like swords of Damocles above its neck. It prays for the flaming sword. The magical one. The bringer of harmony &peace. An end to the rifts which have rocked the very foundation of the place in which the figure prays.
The User of Staves using the scripted 'hand' to strike at those who oppose and those who wrong. Behind him the Unicorn. The User now in place and seen and a face known now. Eradicating the wrongs which oppose and threaten the very fabrics of the illusory world the Maker of Staves wishes all to see as the modern world.
Finally the Four of Staves depicting the upturned Pandora's Box. All the trinkets and the toys have been emptied out now ... and we all visually watch those menaces out in the world. But who is there to save us? Surely the User of Staves can be trusted ... or has all these current dire circumstances been contrived for us to react in a way that is expected ... so a hidden hand can gracefully push us along to where it wishes us to go? Only time will tell.