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Friday 7 September 2007

The Path of Resh

This is the path of incarnation - the "primary test" by which we are continuously perfected. The task of the path of Resh is to consciously incarnate the Individual Self within the personal self.

Resh is the first initiatory path that crosses another previously travelled path. The path it intersects is that of Mem and the Garden of Eden or lower astral veil. This is the genuine "test" for the initiate since, without the balance conferred by Tiphareth and the subsequent illumination of both Netzach and Hod, descending through the lower astral can be very unbalancing indeed.

In the Tarot image, the Individual Self is represented by the sun and the 13 descending Yods. The newly transformed Netzach and Hod are symbolised in meditation on this path by the appearance of a young boy and a young girl. They stand, hand in hand, united in purpose and acting in unison with the sun, at the exact point where Resh intersects Mem. This specific point is one of great balance - philosophically equidistant from Tiphareth, Yesod, Netzach and Hod, simultaneously. This is the heart of the personal astral matrix itself. The immense fertility of this point is symbolised in pathworkings on the path by the appearance of green grass and blooming sunflowers (i.e., solar flowers).

Bringing the Individual Self consciously into Yesod, further transforms the personality and has the effect of formalizing the Netzach and Hod transformations. Having transformed the lower or personal self in this way, the initiate is then free to turn their attention upwards and begin the process of transforming the Individual Self.

Tarot Correspondent = Judgement

With this new revelation, your are able to see the world for what it really is. You can look at yourself in the mirror, as you have countless times before, but this time, with a new understanding. Judgment implies the wisdom that comes from being able to discern the true nature of things.