Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 2 March 2008

The Cleansing Vortex

This exercise is a visualisation exercise for cleansing and purifying your entire auric field. It is an excellent exercise to perform at the end of a day, especially at those times when you have interacted with a great many people. It helps sweep out energy debris, preventing it from accumulating and creating imbalance within the auric field.

It only takes about five minutes to be effective.

1. Take a seated position and undertake the Energy Breathing Technique .... Performing the breathing technique is beneficial as a preparation for this exercise. You may want to use a simple prayer or mantra as well. Remember that the exercise as presented here is a guideline, and you should learn to adapt it to your own energies.

2. About 20 feet above you, in your mind's eye, visualize a small whirlwind of crystalline white fire beginning to form. Slowly it begins to take the shape of a funnel. Visualize it so that it is large enough to encompass your entire auric field. The small end of the funnel should be visualized as capable of entering through the crown of your head and passing down the middle pillar of your body .

3. This whirlwind of spiritual fire should be seen as rotating and spinning clockwise. As it touches your aura, see it as sucking up and burning off all of the energy debris you have accumulated.

4. See, fell and imagine it moving down, over and through your entire aura and body. Know that it is sweeping your energy field clean of all the extraneous energies you have accumulated throughout the day.

5. As it moves through your body, allow this energy vortex to exit out through your feet down into the heart of the earth itself. See the vortex as carrying this energy debris into the lower realms, where it is used to fertilize and benefit the lower kingdoms of life upon and within the planet.