Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 1 March 2008

Intellect ... Prison Of The Mind

The intellect expresses itself overwhelmingly through the left-brain, the part that deals in ‘physical’ reality and the sequential, ‘rational’, analytical and objective … can I see it, touch it, taste it, hear it or smell it? Okay, it exists, then. The left brain, or ‘intellect’, sees reality through the five senses and perceives the world in parts, not unity. Look again at our ‘society’.

The idea behind ‘education’, and to the most extreme extent at places like Oxford, is to develop what I call ‘left-brain prisoners’ – prisoners of the intellect – and the system is structured to do just that from the moment we sit down in our first school right through to leaving college and university.

How do you progress within the ‘education’ system? You pass exams. And the more effective you are at taking in left brain information and repeating it on an exam paper the quicker and higher you progress. If you do that brilliantly well (elite families apart) you end up at Oxford or Cambridge, Harvard or Yale.

What do you need generally to be a doctor, scientist, top politician, government administrator, military leader, etc.? Exam passes and a ‘good education’ (good indoctrination) and so the institutions that run the system generation after generation are controlled by people enslaved in the left brain, or intellect, and therefore see everything in terms of parts and not unity.

It explains so much. (David Icke)