Down below are the doctors working on your body (as in the cartoon on the left). You see a strange sign hanging from the ceiling which says "You are dead." You watch as the doctor puts the electric paddles on your chest. You have a wonderful peaceful feeling which you have never had before. The doctors give your body a shock and you are back in your body sound asleep again. Hours later, you awaken and tell the doctor about your out-of-body experience and the "You are dead" sign. The doctor smiles and tells you, "Your heart stopped during surgery and we had to revive you. You are part of a near-death study and you had a near-death experience. You are the first patient who has ever read that sign. That sign can only be read by someone hanging near the ceiling. But because you were able to read this sign and tell us about it, you have proven scientifically that the mind can function outside of the body. A great scientific discovery has just occurred. Congratulations."

Indeed, it is only a matter of time when someone tells a doctor they saw the "You are dead" sign. For test purposes, however, the sign will probably say something more cryptic to insure the uniqueness of such an event. (Read More ... )