We are on the brink of the next most significant scientific age – the nanotechnology revolution. Imagine a world that is no longer dominated by the persistent search for supplies and energy. Energy derived from the quantum scale, as pervasive and apparently as clean as the force of gravity itself, will be providing power for our needs. Factories and the control of capital forces will be obsolete. Nanobots will be creating whatever article is required for us from the periodic table, on demand and from the waste products of a previous age.
Our water and air will be pure, rejuvenated by these same nano-processes that have recycled all the materials that previously fouled our planet. Product life cycles will essentially become almost organic – a virtual homeostasis will ensure that articles never wear out. And when we discard these items from boredom, the constituent elements will be cleverly recycled or used in something else, rather than piling up in toxic landfills. Since there will be no need of a medium of exchange, the need for currency and the propensity to hoard money will vanish from the human consciousness.
Wealth and its attendant conspicuous consumption will vanish. We will no longer be referred to as “consumers” for there will be no more “suppliers” to profit from our devouring habits. We will no longer need to own property to pass on to our descendants, since there will be no need to accumulate wealth to survive. Health issues, and problems with genetic deformities will also benefit from this nanoutopian environment – most diseases and congenital problems will have passed from existence. We humans will have nothing to do but to pursue our real purpose in life. (Source: