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Wednesday 13 February 2019

The Top Australian Psychic & The Fake Profile

I received a message on Facebook Messenger recently from a popular Australian Psychic Medium, cheekily asking me for copies of my Workshop material. Their adage was 'Since you're not doing workshops any more, somebody might as well use you training coursework.' 

I was taken aback with the directness of their message, 'it's not doing any good stored away; I pride myself on being a promoter of all things spiritual. With your material, I can reach a wider audience than you could ever do. I've always been far more widespread than you, and one of the proven psychics for the accuracy of my readings.'

Needless to say I did not reply to this 'Top Name In The Industry' as they put it. The more worrying fact was the profile they used to PM me was a FAKE PROFILE. They hadn't the nerve to even send me the PM with their real profile. I have a good idea who the 'top name' is ...

And, if this person is reading this post ... let me assure you that my material is fine where it is. It's a result of over 30 years of hard work. You'll not find it anywhere else on the internet, or in other people's books because I don't pinch or copy from others. I've sweated and toiled through some real personal development to arrive at unique methods, that work, and unique realisations appertaining to the Occult. I've not stepped on anyone's shoulders to get to where I currently stand unlike yourself. You might be prepared to be unethical and lazy, that's you choice. There is no way you are getting anywhere near my teaching material.

It's a sad fact that there are so many 'psychic mediums' who are not prepared to do the hard yards; they expect it to be handed to them on a plate without breaking into a sweat. It's not like that. Any spiritual teacher or psychic who says otherwise is a charlatan or hasn't done the development work.

In a polite words let me say to this individual yes I am using my own material and there is no way you are getting my workshop material off me ... your audacity is unbelievable!