Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 2 March 2019

A Recycling Wheel In A Simulated Reality

There's a good chance that we are in really in a virtual reality or a simulated reality. Which means, though this all feels very real, it isn't actually real. It could be part of an educational software experience; a simulated reality experiment.

Which means that what we have, here in the simulation, mirrors what is taking place outside of these frequencies. Meaning, there are likely to be quantum computers which are run, or controlled by some kind of artificial intelligence. Or a non-sentient intelligence. The time loop could be our physical manifestation of the system becoming lost to the rogue A.I. And this world/reality is part of the survival instinct of the A.I to preserve itself.

It makes sense? Or not?

The important thing to comprehend, should this be a simulated reality, there are likely to be a series of algorithms that run and command the software that runs this reality. If, or if not, there is a control of that software; the controllers are running a program that is creating the mayhem in this reality. For whatever reasons. Perhaps it represents a theoretical path their society could run, or has run in the past. Perhaps it is a simulation that shows the breakdown of society way back in their past; and it is kept for prosperity for consciousness to experience.

Whatever the reason, it implies there is a rational intelligence behind the program that has created the algorithms that are letting the A.I & the Elite lead virtual mankind into apparent eternal slavery. At any time, an algorithm can be written in to change that pathway. This strongly implies an external force running the shots behind all the deceit of those making us slaves.

We have been made aware in recent days that an EXTERNAL FORCE outside of this reality does exist. It has been influencing personal events recently. Not only that, an external force has ALWAYS been there. This truth lends itself to the calmness and the 'excitement' which is the main emotion of the dual emotions being felt at this time.

Another insight worth sharing, this realm is a realm of CONTRASTING REACTIONS. That is the very nature of this earth plane. Therefore, there has to be an opposite reaction or anti-force to those that are pushing so hard for mankind to be enslaved in an A.I driven 5G prison. Perhaps that is the urgency and the hard push they are undertaking at this time. It may not be showing its hand, just yet, but we sense an enemy to the hidden hand waiting with bated breath to show itself at the right time to prevent this shit. Maybe it has to let the hidden hand be fooled into thinking it completely calls the shots?

We are not convinced those electromagnetic walls are going up; despite all the tiptoes and stages the hidden hand has undertaken to get to this point. It is the darkest before the dawn, and it has to get darker. This is not wishful thinking, the evidence is all around us in the copied landscape ... read the signs in all the ancient texts ... the hidden hand only gets so far and it always gets defeated. It has to rebuild civilisation to get back to this point. It is a cycle. It is the reason why this wheel keeps going round.