Search A Light In The Darkness

Monday 11 March 2019

Something Sinister with the Vaccinations

So what exactly is in these vaccines they are forcefully injecting into so many people worldwide? What is it they so vehemently want covering up? They are most certainly NOT looking after the human race. You can guarantee there is a real sinister agenda that wants EVERY member of the human race having this injection.

There are countries in the world where it is now government policy that these vaccines are a MANDATORY requirement of the people. Don't people have the right to decide what is going into their bodies? Instead you get government orders that have to be followed to the letter, or else you are thrown into prison with a hefty fine. Parts of Pakistan now face such punishment for non-compliance. And it's only going to happen in more and more countries. 

It's most certainly part of Agenda 21/UN Agenda 2030 which means HUMAN GENOCIDE. Don't believe for one minute the vaccine will do you any good. Think instead of what is in the vaccine that can work in unison with 5G cell breaking and with chemtrail poisoning.

There is a definite agenda here, and part of that agenda is for special particles to be injected into billions of human bodies, probably for when the 5G cloud, and the Internet Of Things, switches on.

There is a very sinister push for this piece of the puzzle happening. Hence all this declaration that anything, or anyone, that exposes the vaccine as being dangerous is to be quashed, or silenced. They know we know that something sinister is occurring, but they are trying to keep it concealed by whatever means they can.