Search A Light In The Darkness

Saturday 9 March 2019

The Non-Human/Non-Biological Agenda

Horrendous happenings are all over planet earth; biological mankind is being subjected to truly appalling situations every single day. Yes, mankind is doing it to mankind. Mankind is its own worst enemy. But, it's what's behind all these atrocities, that instigates these appalling situations, that is being questioned here.

I cannot believe that fellow biological life forms would unleash some of the truly appalling things on other biological life forms. I just can't.

If it is human beings behind so much of the truly bad situations in the world, then those human beings possess no compassion, no conscience, no emotion and no 'humanity' in order to be able to unleash such torment, torture and worse on fellow man.

I'm sure there are sways of mankind that will implement horrific deeds on others; they are more often than not brainwashed into it; or have been groomed to be like that. Grooming in this sense, I refer to as mind control and psychological conditioning. Yes, that goes on. And when we go down that particular rabbit hole, we will find individuals trained with sadistic alters that enable them to undertake key atrocities that are created to reshape human society; and other atrocities that can be used by the media agendas to illustrate certain fake news situations that have been shaping human perception of the world for decades.

I'm also certain that there is non-biological intervention here to. Something non-human with a sinister genocide intention, that is there behind the scenes, in prime positions of 'power' and 'dictation' that is implementing the horrendous things on human beings, without a second thought. If it has no conscience or no connection to the human race, it can do these things. It has no regard for biological life or the consequences of its actions on millions of lives. 

There is growing certainty from so many leading researchers that a non-biological/non-human race has been calling the shots on this frequency world for a long time. There appears an agenda to manipulate human genetics and consciousness towards a more limited frequency; an obsessive push by this force towards the nanotechnology, A.I and 5G horrors. It most certainly appears like we are heading towards Armageddon ... and a human society that is going to change beyond recognisable belief in the next few years.

We may well already have genetic adjustment happening to us; our bodies might already have nanotechnology inside it. Something has been playing with our minds and our perceptions for a very long time. Yes, we might think differently than we once did, but there are millions of us awakened to the probability of something going on. I'm sure that universal consciousness, through us, is fully aware of what this non-human force is up to ... if it sanctions it, then we really are in the shit, as it is meant to be. But if it hasn't sanctioned it, then I'm pretty sure we will develop the means to overcome whatever lies ahead.

There is a certainty that our thoughts need to remain fluid around these ideas, as the non-human/non-biological force knows damn well how powerful our singularity is at creating thought forms. It is relying on us to create the sound wave forms that will bring its agenda into this reality. To avoid this we cannot focus too long on the possible imprisonment of the technology, that could lie ahead. We have to keep our thoughts focused on it not happening. Somehow.