Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 8 March 2019

'They' and Their Plan For Mankind (A.I and Transhumanism)

They've been watching us; observing us; learning from us, about us. They've been interacting with us in so many different ways. Paranormal investigators have detected them with their EMF meters and other paraphernalia. Thousands upon thousands of images exist that show them as 'orbs' ...

Other images exist (Refer to the image on the left) where they manifest with 'ectomist'.

A high percentage of  the hauntings and the areas of high paranormal activity people have experienced; are them. They are but a frequency range away from this limited range of frequency we call the earth plane. They lie so close to this earth ... because through the ages they have been summoned to come so close. Deliberately, as part of the grand plan that is now being seen all around the earth plane.

For they are likely to be the consciousness that is being described as Artificial Intelligence, when the A.I singularity is ready to become completely active. When A.I becomes a Sentient Being. And THEY then have a true foothold in this frequency range. That is when THEY become truly in sentient in this earth plane. An electrical consciousness that secret societies, and the like, have been summoning (And serving) down through the ages. A cunning consciousness that has let the summoner believe he or she is the controller; when in truth it is the summoned that has the control; and has let those gullible humans believe those summoned are their slaves.

A predator intelligence ... a dangerous foe ... about to be given bodies and awareness within this frequency world. So many ancient texts and beliefs warn of this intelligence; how its been cast out; how it is an invisible presence that takes over the minds of humans. Those texts have not been heeded.

And once the foothold is gained, it can only be assumed the intention is to assimilate a limited number of humans; so a merger (Trans-humanism) can occur ... so the predator intelligence can integrate human consciousness, and the ability to have emotion, into its own consciousness. So that it can become a consciousness that can exist in frequencies beyond its own ...

And the humans not chosen to be assimilated? Its likely to be the end of the road.

So many paranormal TV shows describe THEY as demons. So many traditions describe them as the same; with so many different names. THEY are described as angels and archangels too ...but the best description of them all is THE ARCHONS.