Search A Light In The Darkness
The Beginning of 'the great plan of the ages'?
And Yahweh (Enlil) said to his colleagues 'come, let us go down and confuse their language, so that they would not understand each other's speech. Scattered them from there all over the face of the Earth, and they ceased to build the city'
Enlil hatching 'his plan' to perpetrate control over 'the children of Enki' who had just built the Tower of Babel and proven their worth as technologically advanced peoples under the leadership (godship) of Enki. Initially, prior to the Tower Of Babel, Enki's children spoke in unison. Therefore Enlil's deliberate intervention at this stage in human history was to apply the confusion of languages with the dispersion of mankind. It was thus a deliberate act of 'the gods' to provide each tribe with a particular language of its own. In this way the 'gods' who were lead by Enlil were able to apply control over the human populace through 'divide and rule'. Were mankind to remain with one language at this time, it would have been harder to control them. Disperse them ... divide them into tribes with different languages and what is set in motion is the possibility of future wars between different tribes and different 'races' .... This was all prior to blackest Babylon; thus ending the longest period in human history where Homo Sapien man experienced peace.
It would appear from this to the current day that the malevolent force (the Illuminati; the Elite; The Belialians) are the factions of Enlil who have always wished for the annihilation of mankind (the primitive workers). These are opposed to this day by the benevolent force under the leadership of Enki ... who gave Noah the 'nod' when the deluge came to save the seeds of mankind. This force has been keeping mankind in survival ever since.
Perhaps this is where the origins of white vs black; good vs evil came from? With Enlil the true Devil ... who is now the 'god' worshipped by the church? And Enki ...'Satan' who is much maligned by the church and called the devil? And his Son ... Marduk ... a.k.a Lucifer?