I became awake once more. Disturbed by a mid-frequency buzzing in my left ear. I would place the sound wave approximately around 250Hz. It was not uncomfortable. But, I was aware of it and the sound wave had not been there a moment before. Unknown technology close by releasing this sound wave? But why and by who?
This morning, on waking, I noted with disdain that the same sound frequency was still there in my left ear. Downstairs in the living room I sat then with its growing irritation now forming a migraine like headache. Had this sound wave been constant all night? Why? By who? It is not any electrical equipment in the house as this sound frequency had not been heard before.
Now, at work, some 36Km away ... I still have the sound frequency ... but it appears to be more from 'within' my consciousness. Where before it was clearly external ... now it is seemingly internal?
Significant? Or just one of the many sound wave frequencies out there which I've now become aware of? A WiFi network perhaps?
Or is the sound frequency that of a tracking device? Some intelligence charting my movements in this realm? And, does this coincide with the '357' communication? Is this what I was being prepared for ... the voice was in the left ear too? Previous to these events most of my 'clairaudience' was in the right ear ..