Believe me though, I AM A BELIEVER, I'm just concerned at the quality of evidence which is being presented to a sceptical world. A world filled with dim wits who wish to discredit everything at each pitch and turn. Call me a 'devil's advocate' then ... trying to point out what happens to all evidence passed out into the world ... the critique they receive. Luckily I've witnessed UFO's myself ... on numerous occasions. So I don't doubt their existence. It makes perfect sense for craft to be out there ... with the way mankind is being manipulated by malevolent forces there is bound to be attention from other dimensions. This malevolent force has a reputation for mass destruction (and a history too) and it is fairly obvious they are up to no good again. That is just one scenario ... there are others too. With the imminent return of Nibiru (once every 3500 Earth years) ... and the high expectation for masses of craft filling our skies. It is MORE than likely we are being visited and watched. We humans are a commodity after all. A GM one too ... yes, genetically modified AND rebellious. We are a spliced stock ... primitive ape & schizophrenic alien, which is definitely a dangerous combination for cosmic civilisations out there. There are also the original indigenous inhabitants of Earth to consider too. I mean they were here before ever the Anunnaki arrived and chose the primitive Homo Erectus to be their guinea pig race for genetic experimentation. These races which were forced below ground will have eagerly tracked the progress of us surface dwellers ... it is feasible they are in the skies too. No, UFO's are factual ... it's just the evidence of them which is 'intentionally' suspect ... until such a time the 'officialdom' of the world wishes to go public ... that is (like now).