You look around this world at the ancient wonders, the architecture from the distant past and its construction is more evidence of the perception deception going on. The account of history and our evolvement; the missing link. All lies. All perception deception. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Evidence exists that man has been more advanced millions of years before this age. That he possessed more intelligence than us, that his civilisations had in them what we have so called only just found now. Perception deception. Our whole identity is a deliberate lie. Those who do this - who I call the Lizard people, which is another perception deception as they don't actually have an appearance, being only energy in our minds that create thought forms in our minds and sickly voices too - are frightened of our discovery of the deceptions that abound this realm. They have lied to us for aeons. They bend our wills to do their work for them.We help create the reality they want by way of perception deception. We do it all for them with our minds. That is why they twist our thoughts to that of their desires ... to their agenda. Perception deception in every aspect of our lives in this fake reality. Within this pirate copy of a true realm. We are their food source. We are the engine room that drives this face reality. We are forced by perception reality to live in fear. Fear is their food. It is what drives this pirate copy. Perception deception creates fears.
'Sixteen were the fears to be overcome in order to remember universal love. When there is universal love you become off the grid to those of the darkness.'