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Wednesday 5 December 2018

An Advanced Ancient Past

The ancient world is a fascinating place to explore. With an open mind, you are able to dismiss the wild claims of primitive people's with the most basic of tools that created all the ancient wonders that are all over this planet; and realise it was a truly advanced human that was the architect of these wonders somewhere back in a very technologically advanced past.

Very few actual records exist. Probably because they have been either destroyed, or taken out of circulation. What remains are the incredible monuments and feats of unbelievable architecture that defy modern day logic.

There are remaining records that describe advanced technology that are undeniably true. Yet, the official story of the world won't be changed, despite the overwhelming evidence we are not the most technologically advanced race the world has ever seen. We are in fact a civilisation rising up out of the ashes of lost civilisations. We are surrounded with incredible evidence of things we can't even match today. Yet the official story still tries to convince us that all of this is either myth, or things were made with primitive tools.

There is way too much evidence that the ancient world was a more advanced place than we have yet to get anywhere near. The evidence of us being slaves to 'gods' then and now, is overwhelming. Back then the 'gods' made themselves present on the earth; today they are nowhere to be seen. Today is extremely primitive compared with so much from our past.