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Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Microwaving your food is one of the most damaging things you can do to reduce nutrition

Natural News: The days of cooking fresh, whole foods on the stove or in the oven seem to be long past. Now, you just pop prepared food into the microwave oven and wait for a few minutes at most.

But microwaving doesn’t just heat the food. It also alters the flavor and the texture, turning food rubbery and tasteless and without scent.

Still, people put up with these drawbacks because it was convenient, fast, and simple. They were also told that microwave heating does not damage the nutrients in food, so they could still get the nourishment they needed.  

However, new research suggested that microwaved foods are not as healthy as they were advertised to be. These studies showed that microwave energy damaged the important nutrients in food, making the meals much less nourishing than believed. more>>>...