It gets interesting when you really get to observe human beings going about their daily business. After a while of watching individual people interacting with each other; wandering to and fro in a work environment; undertaking their 'paid roles'; a different perspective makes itself available to those 'who can see what others can't see'.
A sensitive awareness of energy and sound waves shifts the perspective away from observing the manifest plane. Eyes still observe the "work related" pattern making of the individuals as they wander the office space. But that becomes a secondary point of observation, as extra sensory perception kicks in ... and the higher mind processes what is there prior to the human brain making its assessment and providing a 5-sensory interpretation of those energy waves.
The individuals suddenly become husks of cymatic sound wave patterns; which contain all their thoughts; all their aspirations; all that they are; all that they will be. A sense too of their genetic make up .... from ancestors and from other influences.
In those energy husks it becomes apparent that there is clearly two type of DNA. How can that be you ask? There is the genetic structure and instructions for the human body; the human A.I ... plus there is the genetic structure and instructions for the higher aeon spirit force that surrounds the human A.I. The type DNA structures are the HUMAN DNA and the SPIRITUAL DNA. Both can be discerned by the sensitive awareness of those human individuals. Two DNA structures, one for the false self/the human soul and one for the higher form or the higher aeon spirit. Both are notably different. One contains all the instructions that feed the soul and its learning curve. That is the DNA for the artificial intelligence that has been assigned to a higher aeon spirit. Then the other is the instructions that feed the higher spirit and its higher vibrational forms and awareness.
Both are interconnecting fibres which can be gleaned from observing an individual human. It is therefore possible to observe those which are just soul and don't have a higher aeon spirit attached. However, in our observation there were none. Instead it was interesting to see how the two DNA structures are somehow spliced so that the predominant instructions are those of the human soul, in this vibration ... but its energy form barely penetrates the vibrations on which the higher aeon spirit downloads itself. Humans appear to be too lost in the imprinted soul instructions to realise their real nature. This was apparent from the observations.
Welcome to "A Light In The Darkness" - a realm that explores the mysterious and the occult; the paranormal and the supernatural; the unexplained and the controversial; and, not forgetting, of course, the conspiracy theories; including Artificial Intelligence; Chemtrails and Geo-engineering; 5G and EMR Hazards; The Net Zero lie ; Trans-Humanism and Trans-Genderism; The Covid-19 and mRNA vaccine issues; The Ukraine Deception ... and a whole lot more.