Search A Light In The Darkness

Thursday 6 December 2018

You Are No Longer The Same As You Were

Meanwhile, whilst we are side stepped by human distractions, the neurotoxins and other nasties; we are force fed in the water and food we ingest; works on the cognitive function of the human AI's. Our connection with the virtual world is damaged by the change in the brain chemistry of the human AI. We are forced to experience thinking differently and acting differently.

Indeed, after one swig of a drink which has Sodium Fluoride in it, you are no longer the same. Imagine then, day in day out for years of ingesting toxic Sodium Fluoride? Rubbing it on your teeth, your teeth bleed and you are putting this dangerous shit directly into your blood stream! You can never be the same. The brain will never repair, and you start to become the person that the brain damage creates. You think and perceive life differently and you act differently. 

Then there are the effects of the sweeteners and heaps of other dangerous crap that goes into the human bodies. And it all happens whilst life passes you by ... as you stress about bills and work and life ... you are what you eat; you become what goes inside you. And if it is poison then that is what you become. To yourself and to others. And if your past self was to meet itself now ... it would not recognise itself. Visually it would be the same. Perhaps. But emotionally and mentally the damage is done ... and that is a fact.

You may feel you are thinking and feeling alright. That these toxins haven't affected you. But you have nothing to compare your current version with. If you did happen to meet your past self ... then you would see just how much deterioration, both physically and mentally, there has been. You would be alarmed. And this deterioration affects what your mind can access and the perceptions it can take on board. Where there is now anger and frustration, that can be attributed to these poisons.

Its a crying shame that human potential has been rotted in this way. Just so the crazy 3% can control us. The Hidden Hand has to resort to cheating tactics to get one over on us. Such is mortal life.