Search A Light In The Darkness

Friday 1 February 2019

‘Chipping’ Humanity: The Global Power Elite’s ‘Product of the Future’

New Dawn Magazine: In recent years we have seen more and more science-fiction-like nanotechnologies integrated into incredibly tiny RFIDs (Radio Frequency Identification Devices). 

These devices can be embedded into a person’s body to serve as a Global Power Master controlling mechanism as they increasingly encroach on civil liberties, political freedom and peoples’ sovereignty everywhere.
Many people relate this to historically recurrent ‘End-Times’ predictions, such as the ominous prophecy in the Christian Book of Revelation. Others more pragmatically point their fingers at the total political and economic control the Elite intends to impose upon all of mankind.

Let’s do some mental Aikido and take a more Zen approach towards this problem. Yes, it is true that developments in these and many other types of technologies are moving at a highly dynamic, even frantic pace, making it harder to understand and cope with the changes they bring about and, more importantly, to identify the perils they entail in a correct and timely manner.

Every day we learn of some new micro-electronic wunderapparat unimaginable until yesterday. Some RFIDs are so tiny they can be implanted in the human body without us being aware of them; thus, beware of pandemic-scare induced mass mandatory vaccinations that could serve to slip one into you! 

We also have retinal scanners and other ID gadgets, remote controlled drones as small as birds and insects, and a myriad of snooping devices of every shape and kind.

Luckily, the grave dangers of this are being understood by increasing numbers of people who rightfully perceive that RFIDs are not just technological wonders but tools for total control used by the Global Power Masters – and they need us to accept them ‘voluntarily’ even if with varying degrees of fear and misgivings. In other words, people must either be persuaded or forced into accepting them. Persuasion, of course, is the preferred road, but if that doesn’t work, well… we’d all better watch out! more>>>...