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Saturday 9 March 2019

The Copycat - Power Animal of the Day

This particular power animal generally associates with individuals who have jealousy issues, and who have no mind of their own; or have an inability to actually think of ideas for themselves. So they summon the Copycat and then throw caution to the wind ... choosing to emulate your ideas.

Under the influence of this legendary power animal, they tend to pinch your ideas, your research, and quite often will claim it as their own. They are often quite lazy, and stupid individuals. They emulate your own identity, but do not have the intelligence to add anything worthy to the theory, or the idea. The victim of a 'copy-cater'  more often than not fails to realise they have a potential stalker spying on them; taking their original and dynamic research, and claiming that they, the copy-cater, has always believe these said ideas.

The copy-cater is so blatant with their modus operandi; so stupid in their actions; and so lacking in intelligence that they have to choose to fake their own supposed 'wisdom'. They are more often, than not, bored, or fed up, with their own life and life path. So they have to emulate someone else's life path to try and give the impression to all, and sundry, that they are wise, happy and gifted with their abilities. They regularly make wild claims about their life, and their life experiences, in line with this emulation, and as a poor attempt to appear more successful or clever than the one they are copying.

The copy-cater basically is insecure in their life and summons The Copy Cat as they have serious ego problems .... a sad and sorry state of affairs.