Search A Light In The Darkness

Sunday 24 June 2007

Daily Merlin: 'Moving Forwards'

Time is but a man made thing. A concept which dictates passage through this expression of existence ... this dimensional resonance in which we human beings strive to exist. But by transcending this limiting state; lifting high and beyond that control ... it may be possible to discover a place where a view over the three human motorway lanes of 'past', 'present' and 'future' can be observed. From there the opportunity may arise to experience discarnate vision ... and witness events from the 'future' lane of this human motorway (Matthew James)....

All divination of whatever form can be described as experimental ... never is it ever guaranteed to work. To date I've undertaken divination & remote viewing of 'present' events ... only rarely 'tapping' into possibilities of the future through 'clairvoyancy' .... this transcript however deals with a deliberate attempt to experiment with 'moving forwards' through time ... a term known as 'farsight' ... clairvoyance in other words. I cannot guarantee any accuracy in what will be found written in the following transcript. I attempt to 'perceive' what is ahead on this road ...

Daily Merlin Transcript
Sunday 24th June 2007
New Zealand
10;15pm -10:50pm

Using the Navigators of the Mystic Sea tarot & a digital image of Maddy:

Moving forwards to ....... November 2007:

Ace of Pentacles

New beginnings, fresh purposes indicated by the calmness of the Empress. A 'needle' slotted out of a groove of some kind. The 'old woman's banging on the drums' is not as noticeable now ... and the wolf is able to thankfully look the other way. Communications from around the world are able to reveal the face behind the mask of the magician. Tying up the loose ends and fitting the missing pieces. Exchange of finances & contracts ... and the resolution of the mysteries behind this 'tale'. Names fitted to characters and a plot unfolds ... the need for insights to continue ...

The image of the Empress shows a full moon in the background; a stream from the empress figure dressed in green leads towards the background where a solitary deer stands. In the foreground a golden butterfly and a white swan ... three figures can be seen forming a ring in the background --- this is not a bereavement or 'bad news' card. It implies a fresh new start. A new beginning. The commencement of a new phase. The Empress figure appears much like someone who's attended a party or a celebration .... streamers cover her clothes and she wears a party hat ... the Empress is what I use as Kate McCann's significator. In this image the Empress is seen amid wild celebrations. NOT a wake or a mourning ... but a celebration. I must deduce therefore ... the news must be exceptionally good for such a grand celebration in a family member's home town.

However around the imagery there are a number of small trees ... smokescreens still remain ... an abyss between the truth of what took place and the illusion foretold in the tabloids.

Ace of Pentacles ... hints at 'financial gain' and the scandal which could ensue. However, I see this will blow over quite swiftly ... there is identification here of being put to a continuing good cause ... the image shows a number of mountains & obstacles to climb ... indicating the task will not end with anticipated good news at this time. The fund will be provided to a good cause ... and the lifting of world awareness will continue ...

**I must stress again the experimental nature of this insight. I publish this post under The Sceptics Corner for this reason. This cannot be proven until this month arrives .... if at all. Clairvoyance of this nature I once refused to attempt. Private sittings with 'fortune telling' were never one of my favourite pursuits. It made me so uneasy when so many clients expected me to fill their diaries with dates & times. They would then construct their lives around these possibilities. Therefore clairvoyancy of this nature is one of my pet dislikes. It is only attempted here because I felt there was a need to try. **