I admit I'm intrigued what will be reported. I sense already it will be an anti-climax. He is not going to divulge her current location ... basically because he DOESN'T know. It is a smokescreen nothing more. Nothing new will come from it, of that I am fairly certain.
Yesterday's and today's headlines, have been filled to saturation point, with the resignation of Tony Blair as Prime Minister of the UK. Tony Blair, an Englishman (the Lion) ... and the appointment of Gordon Brown as the new Prime Minister. Gordon Brown, a Scotsman (The Unicorn) .... It is an interesting parallel news trail in my opinion ... remember the Punch & Judy red herring? This just an interesting thought with Tony Blair now off to the Middle East .... what I muse cryptically over with this analogy is 'the lord of misrule' linked with the Punch character ....known in Scotland as 'the abbot of unreason ...this is the link to 'The Lord Of Misrule' which has a rather apt and ominous 'message' with regard to the situation occurring round this current affairs new's story. My attention is drawn to this cryptic analogy due to the pulling of the Ten of Weapons for Tony Blair a few weeks ago.
As far as Madeleine McCann is concerned, the audience will still wait and wait ... if need be. We collectively now must know the outcome of the situation. We must know what is the fate of the Shining Star. I still have no doubt she will be returned safe and well. That appears to be carved in stone now; ceremonial stone. The unusual aspects of the entire thing truly concern me. These aspects are never likely to be revealed to the watching audience. We are all likely to be 'sold a pup' with this regard. We are going to speculate the finite details of the case for years to come.
The entire affair will be assigned a place in conspiracy folklore for a long time (quite rightly in my opinion because there are too many suspicious circumstances appertaining to it) .... but the most important thing will be the new's stories which will arrive some time in the future which show the smiling faces of Gerry & Kate McCann proudly showing their daughter Madeleine to the world press. This is the only outcome I can see. Any doubts of this outcome faded from my mind several weeks ago.