For they the fork in the road is too far away to turn around and reach. They have come such a long way now to that cul-de-sac. Dejected and tired they merely stand and acknowledge their misfortune.
That observer's eyes, however, are more fortunate than they .... for the soaring talisman observes more of that artist's picture. Beady eyes, now more piercing than than they were before, gaze down at those ornamental trees and the mystical resonance which creates that deceiving hologram.
To the left, leading away from those trails is the other trail ... a perfect bridleway straight as a line ... heads off in a totally different direction. Made by skilled hands this trail, lined on both sides by all the ides of luxury ... for this appears a centurion's road. A different landscape now appears to have been created; connected yes to the preceding trails ... but concealed in truth from the eyes of the watching world.
Onwards further now those piercing eyes reach ... towards a marker which that awareness does recognise. For in the sky above pastel fields ... idyllic sunlight warming that paradise ... there is the beacon, the beaming countenance of the Shining Star; very much a survivor .... with health signs so bright and strong. Thus towards that beacon the Hawk now lifts and soars; a calm in the storm, a trade wind influences those majestic feathers. Above an island perhaps the hawk now hovers. Seeking the signs that the Shining Star rests in that locality. Observer's eyes see a large white vessel moored beside a picture postcard beach .... high mountain cliffs ... a wondrous holiday destination. But .... as those piercing eyes focus on the streets & the towns in that haven .... awareness watches the landscape shift and change. It seems this too is another hologram.
From a copse then eyes watch a swarm of busy bees .... the creators of the strengthening hologram. Unobserved ... they follow the queen ... and sees then soldier ants busy in their tasks within their labyrinth. Their king (surely though another queen?) ... busy amid so much responsibility ... holds in its hands a parchment which carries a symbol of the Shining Star ... within a maze, indeed a labyrinth ... a labyrinth which has markers and twines leading from entrance to hiding place. It appears in truth the Shining Star was never lost at all. Hidden within the protective confines of an ancient place ... out of the attention of the busy bees and their frantic queen.
Then, as those observing eyes retract from within the expanded awareness of that needle's eye, awareness considers all which appears to be occurring in those hologram places. Within that stage is structure and so many actors & players. Another round of frantic fluries by the busy bees is set to reach the attention of the majority ... as the next created hologram is broadcast to the world of man .....
(Abridged version)