Sometimes fortunate collaborations do present themselves. Like flecks of gold in a tunnel wall ... glittering in the luminance of a searcher's torch. These moments have been rare and precious -- but they have acted like a litre of Red Bull -- energising the flaying spirit of the Seeker. Providing the reality which ensures inspiration will endure the greatest of all the tests.
The trail is best visualised as an expedition through a hall of mirrors. Much of what is seen is an exaggerated distortion of the reality within those walls. Parameters set are truly not what they seem. The deeper the stare, the deeper into the reflection the observer stares .... the more there is found to exist. Like an enigma. Staring into that landscape ... is like staring into a cryptographic world ... all is not what it seems. Nothing is what it truly seems on first viewing. Each view heralds more and more intricacies in the design of the tapestry. And it is not imagined or contrived either ... realities are seen to be within realities; layers are seen to be within layers. It is a magnificent working to be observed.
And just about one of oddest things experienced on the trail ... is the discovery of the invisibility of the will o' the wisp. How can the Shining Star have been made to appear invisible? Undetectable by any means. Where can Madeleine McCann have been taken to ... in order for her location to be perceived as a blank wall? It has been one of the most puzzling enigmas of the whole scenario. To the sceptic or the debunker this won't appear to make much sense; but to fellow mystics it will make perfect sense; I appear not to be the only one to have experienced this puzzling 'enigma'.
Madeleine McCann has somehow been made invisible! She is still very much alive. She is still safe and well looked after. Therefore her invisibility does not indicate her 'passing from this world'. Besides, no indications have been received that her life has been in any serious danger. The invisibility has therefore some other cause.
It is the mystery within the mysteries I am truly puzzled by. Usually, when gazing into the eyes of a person on a photograph I gain some grasp of their location. I gain some insight into the surroundings which are around them. For a number of weeks now ... I perceive only the confines of blank white walls. This does not indicate this is where she is located. That is one thing I have realised. What I sense these blank walls symbolise is the attempts by someone, well versed in psychic matters, to provide an impenetrable wall to cloak her location ... to hide her life signs.
It is another of the mysteries which surround the disappearance of this little girl. Who would feel empowered to do such a thing and why? Again, the sceptics in the world are likely to be dismissive of these 'claims' but I have had this collaborated by other mystics of this world.
Someone somewhere is going to great lengths to keep The Shining Star well hidden. In precious moments when my Seeker --- the Hawk -- is able to locate the the brilliant countenance of the Shining Star; and is then able to blend itself into the surrounding aether of the reflected image of the locality on the 'astral plane' ... it is able to momentarily gain an insight into that mortal place. The Seeker being simply a thought form 'Servitor' manufactured by my subconscious mind, programmed to wander the world looking for sight or sign of the Shining Star.
In those moments I've had the luxury of 'piercing' that cleverly crafted 'veil of invisibility'. In those instances I perceive a 'holy place' with Maddy in a 'holy presence'. I sense much love and caring being extended to Maddy. I perceive also friendship & companionship. I am able to sense a fantastic love of life coming from Maddy. It is in these moments I know Maddy is very much alive.
But then that insight is gone once more. Some awareness senses my presence and is able to regenerate that veil. My insights are then failing me again and I perceive the blank wall once more. In recent times this happens more often than not. Rather than feeling the negative expressions of defeat, I have chosen to turn my attentions to elsewhere. Hence the insights on other areas of the situation. Insights into other aspects of the whole thing.
Into other quarters within the hall of mirrors I have wandered ... gazing into the patterns of further clues and other interesting revelations. More mysteries within the mystery ... however, none of them are as enigmatic as the veil of invisibility.