Okay so this crop circle is not quite as interesting as other designs feature in previous postings here ... but it is one of the most recent crop circle pictogram designs to appear on Planet Earth. It again begs that much cliched question of 'who or what made this?'. But, I for one, am past that stage of needing to know who is the creator of these enigmas. I'm more interested in the geometric patterns which these crop circles represent and the subliminal or subconscious effect they will have on the human psyche. It will be obvious to the crop circle creators that the patterns will be witnessed and scrutinised by some of us humans. Like Runic symbols & tarot trump imagery ... which all have deep rooted meanings within our subconscious ... crop circle designs I intuit do have an effect on our subconscious. They mean something to someone out there. I am past the point of labelling Crop Circles as a meaningless exercise ... like most of the sceptic circles & crop circle debunkers do. Behind thick concrete walls in hidden military establishments I am pretty certain their are intelligent minds who do not dismiss crop circles as meaningless either. In fact I'm sure such minds have a good idea what crop circles mean ... and who creates them. But one thing is for certain ... these intelligent minds have no intention of telling us!