Daily Merlin Insight
8:00pm - 8:30pm
Friday 29th June 2007
New Zealand
'Picking up the pieces of the trail; refocusing away from the distractions'
My attention appears to have wavered slightly over the last few days; certainly in the light of the recurrent Maltese sightings my focus on the trail appears to have been waylaid. By intentional decision I can assure you. There were a few key issues I wished to clarify before resuming the soaring & hovering observations of it all once more. It is now necessary, I feel, to turn my attention back to where it was before.
I will therefore disregard the false trail which commenced with the hoax letter and the waste ground and the resultant finding of 'the towel'. I fully intend therefore to pick up the pieces of the trail prior to those wild geese on the trail ...
Monday June 11th 2007 saw the headline 'we'll pay crooks to get Maddie back' .... in the light of the current exortion story this appears a circle going right round to the start. An indication perhaps of what was relating to this headline? I can only speculate at this point with this.
It is however around this point I provided an insight ...
Currently around Maddy
It is at this point I intend to pick up the pieces of the trail.
Nine of Weapons
Seven of Crescents
Four of Crescents
These are familiar imagery to what has been around the situation lately. The Nine of Weapons depicts the robed figure in prayer with the 8 swords above its back. Ahead is the one sword which we know is the flaming sword. In the light of current events I am beginning to truly speculate there is a real tension & pressure around the situation to have it resolved. I sense behind the scenes negotiations & discussions are taking place. The Nine of Weapons depicts without doubt someone or some organisation under pressure.
The 7 Of Crescents indicates a process of several stages to be undertaken in order to ensure a resolution to the situation. Basically making the dream into a reality. Plans in place now to reach fruition. The risk of the unkempt haired woman shown in the 4 of Crescents appears to have been thwarted ...the processes of the 7 of Crescents stand between her intentions and the sanctuary of the Shining Star which the 9 of Weapons indicates. Around the head of the robed figure appears a shining countenance ... perhaps this robed figure conceals the location of the Shining Star ... and Maddy is safe by this person's side in 'a place of prayer' ... Maddy cannot be seen standing near to this praying 'messenger of god' in the image ... but the shining countenance depicts she is very much alive and is safe. Negotiations are underway to have her moved from this place of safety ...
Where is Maddy?
The Emperor
User of Weapons
The imagery is quite explicit in its meaning ... 'Maddy is with the family of the Emperor'. She is within controlled & protected surroundings. She is out of harm's way and not in sight of the war between the warrior, who bears the flaming sword, and his fellow Scythian counterpart.'