Daily Merlin Insight
Friday 29th June 2007
New Zealand
This is sensed as 'suspicious' ... what can be gleaned from the early resonance from this breaking news story? What can be anticipated in the days to follow?
Prime of Weapons
Keeper of Staves
Giver of Spheres
Amazingly these cards were picked totally at random whilst focussing on the news story above. The Prime of Weapons depicts none other than the Flaming Sword itself!
The Keeper of Staves is the image which depicts three doves, the mythological unicorn ...perhaps the Keeper of Staves is none other than the ex-Prime Minister Tony Blair --- a.k.a the 'Messenger of Peace'? The Giver of Spheres ... coincides with this event too. It depicts 'the fool' .... the journeyman of the new quest ... receiving a sphere from the giver of spheres. This imagery depicts the New Prime Minister receiving permission from The Queen to form a new government.
Here we appear to have an insight into the motivation for this staged event. A hidden agenda. A hidden purpose for the new Keeper of Staves/Giver of Spheres to react thereto ... the prime of weapons in defiance of the 'peace' offered by the surroundings around the Keeper of Staves.
May I suggest a conspiracy theory here? Pure speculation of course... but could this be deemed as someone opposed to Tony Blair's appointment as Peace Envoy to the Middle East?