Daily Merlin Insight
10:55pm - 11:25pm
30th June 2007
New Zealand
The Star tarot image is my significator for Madeleine McCann. In previous tarot insights I had intuitively gleaned this image was indicating the persona of Maddy.
'Indications of surroundings around the Shining Star'
Servants of the Light
20 - Judgement
The Fool
User of Weapons
4 - The Emperor
The four images were placed in a clockwise direction around the upturned image of The Star ...
The latter two images serve as a confirmation of the persona and events likely to be around Maddy at the current time. They are the same images as a recent insight --- The Emperor's family keeping Maddy out of harm's way ... safe from the battle between the wielder of the flaming sword and his weaker opponent ..
Further insight into the surroundings are presented firstly by Judgement --- the imagery implies that a man & a woman (possibly those around Maddy) are awaiting news from a person of superior rank to themselves ... the next instruction perhaps. An indication of the next stage in the proceedings. Discussions and outcomes are still awaited. The couple apply a significant amount of respect on their 'superior'; this unknown person being someone who is reliable & also well connected to a group which is very influential in its sphere of existence. Their 'superior' requires word from a still higher authority before action can be taken. For the man & the woman there appears a great deal of waiting around; conventional life and routine but a dedication to their faith.
The Fool signifies a new journey or travel about to commence for the Shining Star. The indication of the card is of the traveller stepping through a threshold from a place of relative darkness/concealment out in to brilliant sunshine. I sense in this instance Maddy has been kept out of sight indoors, perhaps in a basement room ... or a crypt. For concealment ... too much risk of her being recognised maybe where she has been residing in recent times. There appears to be a dog around the premises where she has been staying ... it is indicated on this imagery. The traveller bears a token of trust ... so Maddy trusts her current companions.
I feel therefore there is movement on the trail once more. But news reports in the near future are not likely to refer to her most recent location. The travels here I sense are overland. They do not feel like open seas. I sense steps on dry land ... perhaps on a mainland ... however it does have mountainous places. I get a sense of mountains in the distance ... empty roads are being travelled which are wet with recent rain.
A convoy of more than one vehicle. Military personnel or security personnel? Whoever is around Maddy has some protection. Though it is not clearly on view. There is safety in numbers. I sense almost an entourage like an apparent pilgrimage. Holy or ancient places .... tourists nearby who dont even give these vehicles a second glance.
I do feel Maddy is on the move. But to where from what location? It seems she has been in one location for a week or maybe more until now. It was not safe to be en-route. Great need until now to be concealed. A well trained group. This operation has been discussed and planned ... well executed situation.